Total Lack of Inspiration
Christmas has come and gone. 2006 is now a thing of the past. And I have nothing to write about. I could blather on randomly and share insignificant things with you all, but I'm so worn out, I fear that I wouldn't even be creative enough with my 'blatherings' to keep your interest. However, rather than run the risk of disappointing my sister, I think I should tell you a bit about my Christmas holidays. They were busy busy busy. I've heard the addage "I think I need a vacation after my vacation" but I'll let you be the judge of that.Gillian and Brad (her boyfriend, lovingly called "Sushi" by those of him who love him best) were scheduled to fly into LAX on Tuesday, December 26th at 8:30 pm local time. Alan and I drove up to LA early that afternoon to catch some sites in Venice Beach and to have some grub at a place we went to many years ago: Killer Shrimp. They serve three things: Shrimp, Shrimp with Bread and Shrimp with Spaghetti. We had one order of Shrimp and Bread. We almost had to tap out early it was so filling. But once again, we had a great time at this joint that you likely wouldn't find, even if you were a local.
We arrived at LAX just before 9:00 as Gillian had called from Vancouver a few hours before to let us know that the flight would be a little late. I think it was closer to 9:30 by the time the plane touched down and then the fun began. Gillian and Brad, who had never travelled together before, got to experience the insanity of LAX during the Christmas season. We had 6 or 8 flights' worth of luggage coming out on one carousel. Brad's luggage came out about 20 minutes after we met them but Gillian's didn't show up until almost 11pm. In my head I'm calculating the following:
Okay, so we leave now... we get out of the airport parking lot by, what? Maybe 11:15 or so.
They're gonna be hungry so we stop somewhere and so we're back on the freeway by 11:35.
Two hours drive home - home by 1:30-ish.
Get them settled in an stockings opened: 1:45. Get all the excitement out: 2:00 am.
Get my excitement and nerves settled: 2:30am.
Alarm for work goes off at 6:00am. That leaves 3 1/2 hours of sleep.
Tomorrow is going to SUCK!
I wasn't far off. I think when all was said and done, Al and I were in bed, lights out, by 2:34am. At about 2:35 and 30 second, Brad, who was trying his best to be quiet, kicked the twangy thingy on the bathroom door and almost sent me flying to the floor. Giggling ensued. I think I passed out around 3:00 am. I was too excited.
The next day the weather was awful; how guilty did I feel that we flew those two down here only to have crappy weather. Well, they toughed it out anyway. They drove all the way up here to see me for lunch and then headed off to Birch Acquarium to avoid the rain. Only one problem: so did every other San Diegan not working. But, the struggled through it and had a great time. Only problem they ran into, which will become a theme, by the way, was batteries dying in cameras. Gillian didn't get her great wave photos, but all in all, the day wasn't a total bust.
Thursday dawned a little sunnier than the day before and the trio (Alan took the week off work) to La Jolla for breakfast. Sun, surf, and sand. Gillian was in love. She called me at about 10:30am in histerics: "I'm going to move here!!!" she said. Sounds like a plan to me.
After all that excitement, they headed out to the Wild Animal Park, which is in the north end of San Diego, to catch some neat animals at play. Gillian and Brad deemed it "Crazy Hat Day" and it went off without a hitch. Alan and Brad both picked up Pith Helmets and Gillian found a beanie cap with a little Koala bear on top. More photos. More fun... Meaghan still working. Bah... However, Meaghan also learns this day at work that today (Thursday, Dec. 28th) is the Holiday Bowl, some football thing. The 5 is a parking lot. The 15 isn't much better. I grumbled all the way home - it took me 40 mintes, twice as long as it usually take. However, my complaining has to stop here. 40 minutes for 18 miles isn't bad.
2 HOURS FOR 10 MILES IS BAD!!! At this point, Gillian decided not to move to San Diego. They were stuck on the road out of the Wild Animal park for an hour and a half. That's a stretch of about 5 miles. Ugh...
Glorious glorious Friday: I took the day off. And the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday following. Yippy skippy! So Friday, we head to Sea World. Let me remind you that everyone who was at Birch Aquarium on Wednesday was at the Wild Animal Park on Thursday and at Sea World on Friday. We arrived at 9:30 (park opens at 9am). By 10:30 they were no longer charging for parking because they had to open the gravel lot a long way away from the park. It was MADNESS. However, Gillian and Brad got to do it all: feed the bat rays, feed and pet the dolphins, take picture after picture of Shamu and her clan and just soak up the rays which had finally decided to arrive. Saturday we were off to the San Diego zoo (are you exhausted yet? I am...) for more frolicking adventure! That place is HUGE! I'd never been before and it'll be a while before I go back. It's almost too big. They have busses to ferry you around because it's so big.
Sunday was New Year's eve. Alan took Brad to his first NFL football game (Chargers vs. Cardinals) and we won. They were so stoked when they came home - Brad was just in heaven! Gillian and I went to Fashion Valley - the big shopping mall where all the people with a lot of money (and apparently Kidney stones) go to have fun and spend money. We went, we saw, we shopped. It was a victorious day for the both of us but we were sure happy to soak our feet in the hot tub when we got home.
The next day was our trip back to LA for more sight-seeing, shopping and touring. We hit Rodeo Drive, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills and finally the Walk of Fame. It was a great experienec but we won't do that again any time soon. Creepy... creeeeeeepy.
Universal Studios was the Activity du jour of Tuesday. The beset was the universal tour. Gillian and Brad's faces were priceless during the undergroud earthquake we got to experience. I only wish I had a photo for you!
The next day we took them to LAX bright and early. I'm not going to say I cried, but my eyes did leak a bit. They were very gracious about their trip. We had a great time and it was hella hard to let them leave. We miss you! Come back!
I guess I had more to say than I thought. Hope you aren't bored. I'll try my best to write more in the coming months. Sorry for the hiatus! Happy New Year!!!