Thanksgiving / 2 Year Anniversary (2007) – Day 2
Friday, November 23rd, 2007
Wow the beds are awful at The Luxor. I was up by 8am (though tossing and turning since 6:30). I got up and showered and was ready to go by 9:15 or so. We were at the car rental place by 10:15ish… I’m likely off on my morning schedule but you get the point. We were up and on our way really early considering a) it was Vegas and b) we were on vacation.
Anyway, we had to stop in at an outlet mall (ON BLACK FRIDAY!!!) to buy a coat each as the weather was pretty chilly and windy. **Side note: Black Friday is the American equivalent of Boxing Day. The malls are RIDICULOUS. End side note.** We were in and out in 20 minutes and on our way to the Hoover Dam. Almost 2 hours later we arrived. There was a 6 car melee on the road just 8 miles north of the dam that took an hour and a bit to clear.
We went, we saw, we conquered… We took a tour which included at least 3, if not 4 elevator rides with approximately 30 other people in the same elevator, bought the obligatory shot glass and were on our way back to the hotel by 3:30. Alan won’t forgive me if I don’t mention the (approximately) 100 photos we took of the dam in an effort to share the wonder with my father, an engineer who would marvel at the marvel (ah, such wit!) of The Dam. Many of the photos are blurry which would suggest we were already feeling a booze deficiency but mostly it was windy, we were cold, and it’s hard to take pictures with the sun in your eyes. At least that’s my excuse.
We were back in our hotel room by 5pm and I was asleep by 6. Alan watched a movie or two and then he, too, was lights out by 9pm. We were both up by 11:15 when Alan woke up to take out his contacts at which point I decided that “Hey, we’re in Vegas, baby!” so we headed out to party on the strip. Destination: Margaritaville. I LOVE this place. We stayed from midnight (took about 45 minutes to walk there what with dodging the drunk 20-somethings and the pimps with their abundance of cards promising undying affection, or perhaps affectation) until about 2:30am. From there we headed up to Mandalay Bay, The Venetian and Treasure Island; pardon me “T-I”, formerly known as Treasure Island. We discovered a few things along the way:
a) Margarita’s go through Meaghan at the speed of... well, at the speed of liquid, I guess(I saw a bathroom in each of the mentioned hotels)
b) The Pirate show at “TI” is not showing until December
c) We have to come back to Vegas to see the Pirate show
By 4am we had found a cab and headed back to the hotel for another restless nights’ sleep. On the way, we stopped for a much needed food fest (the McDonald’s in The Excalibur) and then dragged our butts back up to bed. By 5am we were in bed for a brief nap...
It looks like you had some beautiful weather!
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