Mom and Dad's Visit: Saturday
Ah Saturday, a day without any stringent plans which may or may not have required tickets, passes, line ups and/or ridiculously over-priced food. A day to enjoy the sunshine and bask in the glow that is California. First thing to do: go to Starbucks. And not just any Starbucks; the Starbucks at Fashion Valley which can be accessed via Nordstroms and any other over-priced department store. So that's just what we did: we went to Starbucks by way of Nordstroms.And did I say "no line ups"? I did, I'm sorry. There is always a line up at the Starbucks in Fashion Valley. All the little Valley girls who were out partying the night before are in line on their cell phones revelling in their sexual conquests of the night before, at full volume, while waiting in like for their 4-shot espresso, no fat. In front of my father. I could hardly look at him. My fear was that he was listening to bits and pieces of the not-so-delicate conversation in front of us and thinking "Has my daughter had conversations like this"? When did the genteel woman die and the sex-crazed lunatic take over in women? It's insane.
So, about twenty minutes later we had our coffees; dad was just juicing up for a day of shopping so he had his dark Verona coffee, black. Mum had her green tea and Al and I our white chocolate mocha's with peppermint. We also shared a couple of Cinnabon's. Then it was shopping time. Yeah baby! So, the two non-shoppers (that would be Dad and Al) went off to do their manly thing and mom and I made a bee line for Bath and Body Works to get Gillian her body lotion she remembered from her visit down here two months earlier. We did all the girly shops including a visit to Tiffany's, which no woman should ever miss if she has the opportunity to shop at Fashion Valley. We met up with the men an hour and a half later only to discover that Dad was scared (sorry, not interested) in Victoria's Secret but really loved The Discovery Channel store.

The wind started to pick up just as we were heading away from the port so we decided to head to Ralph's' (our grocery store) to get the fixing's for a good old fashioned fondue. Mum wanted to see what an American grocery store looked like so she now has first hand knowledge. Unfortunately nothing incredibly exciting ensued at the grocery store but we were headed home for an exciting meal, none the less.
Dinner was nothing short of fabulous. We had shrimp and chicken and beef and scallops and about 7 different dipping sauces, including one which Alan had picked up the day before at Sea World - a Budweiser product, believe it or not. See, Sea World really is the happiest place on earth. Animals, animals, animals and beer. Does it get better than this?
I don't remember what happened after dinner. I do know that our guests weren't with us long; it was another exhausting day and the beds called. An early night for another early tomorrow. Sundays adventure: San Diego's Wild Animal Park.
So megs I want the same dinner as your parents when we come - okay ??? :)
I'm pretty sure that could be arranged!
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