Mom and Dad's Visit: Sunday
Well, now that we've had our day of rest a day early, we decided to kick the fun up and notch and get to the "Wild Animal Park" (Sundays' adventure) by the time it opens, which is 9am on Sundays. We were at breakfast at Mom and Dad's hotel by 7:30 which means I got out of bed at 6:45 to get ready for the day. Some vacation, eh?
Breakfast naturally started with our mandatory coffee dosage for the day, but also included french toast, bacon, eggs, toast, the gamut. It's a good thing we had to walk for the majority of the day to work off all the calories we took in during that first meal.
When we arrived at the park we enjoyed a nice morning walk in the sunshine... for about 3 minutes. Then it started to rain. And rain, and rain, and rain. We took the tram tour first thing in the morning and saw deer of just about every sort, cows, goats, sheep, rhino, and even wild horses. Our driver had the driest sense of humor ever and by the end of the tour dad was ready to pay him to shut up. It was a hoot! But, here I am, all ready to go out animal seeing in my Safari hat from Gillian and Brad's visit (you and also see a bit of Alan's pith helmet).
Breakfast naturally started with our mandatory coffee dosage for the day, but also included french toast, bacon, eggs, toast, the gamut. It's a good thing we had to walk for the majority of the day to work off all the calories we took in during that first meal.
By this point mum was all 'birded up' so it was time to go see the aviary show. She was in heaven. An owl landed on a perch about 4' from her head. We saw some hawks, and some other gigantic birds that I couldn't name now. The kicker with this bird show was that the seats were so wet from the rain we had to stand to watch the show. But it was worth it!
By this time, however, dad had had enough of the rain and was looking for the second most important liquid of the day: bee-ah! So, off we went to Gordon Biersch for some lunch and some drier seating. By the time we were done lunch the sun was shining and the rain was all but gone. However, that doesn't mean that the crazies were off the road. In today's lesson, we learned that even the cops can be the "crazies" on San Diego freeways. However, before I get to this I should also mention that we took a drive down to Coronado Island to show Mum and Dad the Coronado Hotel where Royalty always stays when they visit. Even the chandeliers in the hotel are shaped like crowns. SO swanky!
As I may have mentioned before the speed limit on most of the freeways here in San Diego is 65 mph. Which means everyone drives 80. So we're driving 80mph (that's 130km/hr) in relatively busy traffic when low and behold a cop comes flying off an on-ramp and starts WEAVING BACK AND FORTH IN FRONT OF TRAFFIC! Apparently this is common practice for San Diego's finest when one is trying to remove debris off the freeway but I'd never seen it before. It worked great. It took about 2 miles to get everyone to stop and then she just jumped out of her car, grabbed the palm tree detritus, threw it off the freeway, jumped back in her car and was off again like she hadn't just backed up 2 miles of traffic. Go figure!
Games night ensued shortly after we arrived home around 3:30. We played cribbage (I actually got to teach my dad a card game) followed by Scattergories. It was a pretty wicked night, despite taking the parentals home early, again.
Mondays adventures coming soon...
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