My Happy Birthday Weekend: Day 1
So, I'm sick. Not just cute little tip-of-my-nose-is-red sick, but like hacking-and-coughing-and-wheezing-and-snoring sick. Kinda yucky. I stayed home sick yesterday and only managed to suffer through two hours of sniffling and snorting at work today (I know, I'm full of sex appeal!). However, when I arrived home today, I found a little surprise waiting for me that made being sick at home on a Friday before my birthday just a little bit worth it.
Our bed: covered in balloons! (See mom, we DO make the bed!!!)
Underneath all of those ballons was an envelope with my birthday card in it. Inside the birthday card was pass to Sea World - one of my favorite places in San Diego. So, tomorrow, I'm going to Sea World! Yeah me!
But, besides the wicked awesome surprise of going to Sea World, I got the even awesomer (hee hee) surprise of being able to pop all the ballons... with knives! Oh yes! He lets me play with knives! Mwa ha ha ha... 74 ballons later I was ecstatic! Please ignore the sweat pants!
So, after all the excitement of popping balloons, as is true of most fun activities, there was a mess to clean up! Sigh... but lets be honest, it would be worth it if it was your birthday, wouldn't it?!
Only two more sleeps 'til my REAL happy birthday. Catch ya on the flip side!
yay, i'm not the only one without a bedskirt!
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