Happy (American) Thanksgiving!!!

‘Tis the season to eat turkey, drink wine, indulge in pie, and justify it all! Oh no, my Canadian friends, it’s not yet Christmas, it’s Thanksgiving.
Here, in the good ol’ U.S. of A. we feast and become grossly distended in November. Boxing Day is a “Never Was” here. In the United States we celebrate Thanksgiving (a time to pat ourselves on the back for killing Native Americans it would appear, and show no remorse what so ever beyond killing more turkeys and suffering hangovers) and then follow it up with “Black Friday”. Black Friday is the American Boxing Day. It kind of makes sense, actually. Better to get the sales before Christmas than after, but apparently its insanity. Store fronts are lined with people waiting for the best deals on new plasma screen TV’s, or the coolest toys for kids, by 5am, if not earlier, on Black Friday.
So, with all that under our belts, I put this out to you, my loyal readers: what, truly, is Thanksgiving about? Do we stop in our day to be thankful for anything? Do we say an extra “thanks” to that man or woman bagging our last minute groceries which may or may not include the last turkey in the deli section of our local grocery market? Do we put on an extra smile for the man or woman working overtime on Thanksgiving day, instead of being with his or her respective family, so that we can put one more plate of food on the table? What thanks are we showing or giving as we greedily line up to spend money on items we likely already have but feel we need to upgrade?
While most of my readers are my Canadian friends, I’d like your opinion on what Thanksgiving is, even though it has passed in Canada. It might make it easier to get through my first American Thanksgiving where it would appear very few people truly show thanks!
Best wishes in this coming Holiday season!
WOOO HOOOO....Thanksgiving!!! Oh wait...I'm Canadian, damn it! Oh well, WOOOOO HOOOO...extra football to watch today, ha ha ha. Meg's it's an easy answer to your question on what the American's are giving thanks to on Thanksgiving. They are giving thanks to the TURKEYS, yes that's right, the Turkeys!!! I mean how can you not thank the turkey for everything they have done for the Americans. They bring them the happiest day every year. And what do they get back...a shot, a feather buffer and a hot sauna...So here is to the turkey, darn you taste sooo good!!! :)
you guys sure like trees!
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