Journal Day 6: Homeward Bound!
Friday, September 15, 2006
We finally left Fresno at 9am; Fresno is now deemed the “Red Deer of California”. We headed towards the Sequoia Forest, about 50 miles south of Fresno. Driving in these mountains can only be descried at slow and curvy. It took us 3 hours to drive 80 miles. Unfrickin’ believable! It was well worth it. The trees are amazing; they’re massive. We could stand inside them and disappear.
If you ever need a reality check that there things in life that are bigger than taxes and death, go see these trees. Some of them are more than 3000 years old. Oh the things that they have seen!
Due to reconstruction of the highway through the park, we had an escort out of the park. There were some great hairpin turns amongst the large trees. We even saw one uprooted (a tree, not a hairpin turn. What would an uprooted hairpin turn look like, I wonder?)!

Finally out of the forest, we flew down south arriving in a city called Tara Visa and stopped at
Applebee’s… again… Alan took over driving as I was fried from the trip through the mountains.
We arrived in LA about 4:30. Not good. So not good. Traffic was slow but no worse than we expected. We only came to a complete stop a few times but not for very long. Finally arriving home at 8:30; very dark by then. I was on my last legs, even as a passenger, dealing with the traffic had me on my last nerve. SO MANY PEOPLE!!!
However, our arrival date was impeccable as a package had arrived during our drive home (thank you Heidi) so I even had a present waiting for me when I got home!
We had dinner, I’m pretty sure, but I don’t remember. I crashed hard, and dreamed of home!
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