Wedding Bells
No... not mine. You can start breathing again.But I'd like to send out a bit "Congrats!" to Heidi and her man, Brett, who got engaged last weekend... two weekends ago, my bad. Has it been that long already? Jeez... feels like forever. They'll be an old married couple before they're even married!
The best news? I get to be a Bridesmaid. Sweet, eh? What's the old saying? Thrice a Bridesmaid, never a Bride. Well, one down, two to go. I'm sure I'll be fine.
So, not much to write this week, just a big shout out to the happy new fiancee's. Go Heidi!
Oh, and for the girls, here's the bling. Nice, eh?

hurray for weddings......
also i'm gonna comment about thanksgiving here, which i admit was the main reason for me clicking this comment button at all...
Too bad I wasn't there! I couldve beaten you at crib and played frisbee with alan with time left over for putting that computer chair to proper use - at the computer!
either that or i wouldve used up some of my 24hrs of Meaghan-Time that i currently have in stock and just still made you do everything for me
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