You Gotta Know When to Hold ‘Em

Know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away, know when to kick ass and come in 4th place out of 50 people in a Texas Hold ‘Em tournament when you’ve never played Texas Hold ‘Em before in your life!!!
Yeah baby! It was a great night last night. A company, Gentile and Associates, hosted a Texas Hold ‘Em tournament for various Landscape Architecture firms in San Diego, San Marcos and Temecula last night. Five people from my office went; two of us wound up in the top 10, 2 in the top 20 and our third guy… well… he won a poker chip set so he can practice for the next tournament! (L to R: Derek, Tala, me, Antonio, Steve)
When I ended up at the High Rollers table with 4 of my colleagues I never would have guess we would have gone that far; especially since we just taught ourselves how to play the day before over lunch hour. Steve tapped out in 6th place after an all-in bet. It was an awesome round for everyone involved. I ended up against 3 guys who were “there to win” according to my supporters. I held my own for 5 or 6 rounds with them. It was a tough game. All in all, though, I’m glad I went.
When I finally tapped out, one of my previous dealers took me outside and handed me what I would call a “stogie”. Naturally, I lit up for a celebratory puff with Derek, a co-worker, and was promptly handed a celebratory beer to compliment my cee-gar! It was a hoot!
Once the match inside was finished (about 15 minutes later… if that) we all shuffled back inside for a raffle prize draw. Everyone from our group took something home: Antonio took a 1GB iPod shuffle (it’s only about an 1” square), I took a 1GB retractable flash drive, Steve took a $50 gift card for Best Buy, Tala (pronounced “tall-a”) won a $10 gift card for Starbucks, and, as mentioned above, Derek too home a 200 count poker chip set. Our buy in? A $5 gift card to a place of our choosing. We all had $5 gift cards from Best Buy. Food was free, drinks were free… it was a great night.
Oh, and Mark, thanks for offering to help us all! I guess we’re so good we didn’t even need help! Yeah right… with your help, maybe we could’ve gone all the way!
Winning ROCKS!!!
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